For the past 6 years the Sarasota Bay Parrot Head Club has been creating a reef ball reef off of Sarasota, FL. This reef is adjacent to the Eternal Reef memorial reef site on Silvertooth Reef. The life and growth on this reef site is incredible and is making a real contribution to the marine […]
Capt. Tony, See What He Is Doing Now!
You will not believe the growth and life he is supporting! 1 Year ago a portion of Captain Tony Tarracino’s remains where placed as an Eternal Reef off of Sarasota, Fl. by PHiP, Parrot Heads in Paradise. The tribute included seven additional reef balls donated by Parrot Head clubs and was pulled together by the […]
National Geographic
Eternal Reefs is helping to improve endangered coral reefs, thanks to people who want to “sleep with the fishes.”
‘Eternal Reefs’ To Help Bay Health
A green way to be buried is catching on in Maryland. Eternal reefs will be placed in the Chesapeake Bay that are made of concrete and the ashes of a loved one. Video provided by NBC News affiliate, WBAL TV Baltimore
FOX Philly News Coverage
Arlene on FOX Philly news story about Eternal Reefs